Happy birthday GenSTEPS!
Happy birthday to us, happy birthday to us! Happy second birthday to GenSTEPS! Happy birthday to us!
Yes it’s true we are now two years old today. We launched on Sunday 1 August 1999 at around 7.30pm if I remember correctly and we are still here now. Pretty good I think. It’s quite amazing that I have updated this site (almost) daily for two years. Strangely we also share our birthday with MTV as MTV US was launched today 20 years ago. Will we be here in 20 years? Well I’ll leave that up to you to make your judgement!
Last year, I rolled off a long list of names of the people who have helped me and this site over the past two years. I will again mention them today along with the new people who have come in and helped more recently and who you will probably get to know more when GenSTEPS version four opens its doors – which was supposed to be today – but the site is around 95% done and I don’t want to open a non-completed website. If I can get everyone working on it hopefully we’ll have it up early next week.
If I do miss your name out then don’t panic, you know that I am grateful for your help! Firstly to the old people, especially Jack. If he didn’t allow me and his old website to merge into GenSTEPS we sure wouldn’t be here today that is for sure. We all know he moved on to bigger and better things but hey I’m still here and we are still going strong, so thanks Jack for allowing the sites to merge!
To the more established crew of Char, Andre and Rui – I’ve known you a long time now, some of you before Steps even existed – thanks for all your help with the site – and don’t say I don’t help back what with the videos I’ve been making for you. I think without your help I wouldn’t have been able to cope on my own.
To the more newer members of the team, Gordon and Yan. Thanks for the chart updates Gordon – they are a nice addition to the site especially when Steps do well across the world. Also thanks to Yan, I won’t say what you are giving to the site as its a GenSTEPS version four feature and it’ll give it away but many thanks for doing what you are doing – it’s making my life a lot easier.
Thanks to Sherwin and the people down at Activate Media for putting up with us for the past two years on their servers. I think we’ve been good people and not taken too many resources – again without you at the start we wouldn’t have got our domain name and would probably not be as successful as we have become.
Also thanks to EVERYONE who is reading this – some of you have been visiting this site for two years, some maybe only two days – but you are all part of this site. Without you sending in news pieces from various newspapers and websites we would have missed news bits and not kept everyone informed. Also thanks to everyone I know in the US for keeping us on top of the news there.
Also thanks to Steps! Without them we wouldn’t be here at all – and I would probably be doing another act’s website – let’s hope their success continues for a long time and that they do become big in more global areas as the years continue!
Again thanks to everyone who has visited this site. We have had a successful two years, and let’s hope it continues into the future. Also let’s hope that Steps have a successful future as without them this site would be nothing.
If I’ve missed you out, I’m sorry – it wasn’t done on purpose and you are also an important part of this website.