Steps in 2022

Daily Star: H’s baby agony

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The Daily Star reports that H and boyfriend Craig Ryder have tragically lost their baby. They chose an unidentified woman from America to carry their baby last year but the singer found out she had miscarried while he was touring with the Steps Ultimate Tour. He told The People newspaper: “One week were were showing […]

H&Claire for Ready, Steady, Cook Part 2

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It looks like H and Celebrity Masterchef (almost) runner-up Claire are set to appear on the BBC’s Ready, Steady, Cook for a second time. The news comes via H’s official website which posted the message “Ian will be doing Celebrity Bargain Hunt next week with Connie Fisher & he’ll be doing Ready Steady Cook soon […]

H to judge international LGBT film festival

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H will be one of the judges this year for the ‘Iris Prize’, the international gay & lesbian film festival. It will take place between 2nd and 4th October 2008 in Cardiff, Wales. He will be judging alongside some amazing actors, directors & producers.

Ian’s steps to becoming evil Childcatcher

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Ian H Watkins has posted a video which features H and his step-by-step transformation (with make-up costing £150 per show), into his Chitty Chitty Bang Bang character, the evil Childcatcher. FROM loveable former pop star to Chitty Chitty Bang Bang’s evil Childcatcher, these images show the painstaking process ex-Steps singer Ian “H” Watkins has to undergo EVERY […]

Message from H

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H posted the following message over at his official website yesterday: “hi there……. well, we are up & running in cardiff!!! its such a technical show, it takes a week to put up in a new theatre & a week to do technical rehersals!!!! so, we are are all tired from long days, but it […]

H on playing the Childcatcher on stage

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Here’s an article from the Sunderland Echo; H spoke to the newspaper before his original run in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (19 May – 7 June 2008) as the Childcatcher… _______________ YOU might know him better as H from Steps, but thanks to the magic of make-up Ian Watkins is Sunderland’s latest Childcatcher. Ian, 32, […]

Happy birthday H!

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Two reasons to celebrate; today is Ian’s birthday! Best wishes from all at the Generation Network. And yesterday marked ten years since Steps were first formed. They’ve really flown by haven’t they!

H comes out as gay!

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Ian Watkins last night announced to fans that he is gay, as he prepared to enter the Celebrity Big Brother house. H revealed his sexuality to ‘The Sun’, ending thirty years hiding in the closet from fans – even while having a ten-year affair with STEPS’ male manager. “I come from a small valley in […]

H to appear in Cinderella panto

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Yes, December is nearly upon us, which means it’s the perfect time for Preston’s Charter Theatre to inform us that Ian ‘H’ Watkins of STEPS fame is to appear in their Panto! “Cinderella runs between the 5th and 30th of December and will star Ian ‘H’ Watkins as Buttons. ‘H’ enjoys the accolade of being […]

H-Side Story update

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This weeks main events on the show: + H had a singing lesson! + H had an acting lesson! + H had his vocal cords examined by shoving a long camera up his nose. + H showed us around his home where he lives with his partner. + H cooked for his friends. + …and […]

H to star in Channel 4 documentary H-Side Story

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Press Release T4: H Side Story [Adults 16-34] – Arts & Music A series of eight half-hour programmes following Ian “H” Watkins (ex-Steps) as he joins the Musical Theatre course at the Royal Academy of Music. The results of this baffling coup will all be captured as the former Butlin’s Redcoat joins some of the […]

Bid for H’s signed poster

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A ‘Dick Whittington’ poster signed by H is up for auction on eBay here in aid of the Disasters Emergency Committee. The Mayor of Eastbourne together with Eastbourne Borough Council put of a concert on the 16 January in the Congress Theatre titled “Eastbourne – Aid For Asia”. Many of our friends within the entertainment […]

A message from H

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A message From H, January 2004: Even though I’ve really missed being out and about and seeing you all, this year has been fantastic for me and has let me discover a whole new world. I’ve been taking acting lessons and singing lessons and I’ve been approached to take the lead in two West End […]

H steps out with his girlfriend

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Thanks to Jamie for sending this in, from the Daily Post: Ian Watkins, stepped out for a night on the town with his stunning partner Sarah last night. Ian and the rest of Steps start their UK tour on Friday at the SECC in Glasgow, and from the looks of it he was making the […]