Steps in 2022

Message from H

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H posted the following message over at his official website yesterday:

“hi there…….
well, we are up & running in cardiff!!! its such a technical show, it takes a week to put up in a new theatre & a week to do technical rehersals!!!! so, we are are all tired from long days, but it will all be worth it!!!
im having to learn my script soon for erogenous zones…… its going to be quite a challenge, theres so much to learn!!!! but its a brilliant play, im so chuffed im doing it!!!
i alredy have some plans pencilled for next year, which is great!!! im really excited about them!!!! cant tell u yet tho!!!! heee!!!
as u guys know, its the last g.a.y. soon….. its been an amazing place to perform over the years & it will be sad to see it go….. people are speculating if i will be performing, so, ill set the record straight here…… i wont be appearing….. im sure it will be a fantastic night with some great performances!!!!!! 😎
hope u r all well………….

and hope 2 c u all in cardiff!!!!!
big hugs

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ian xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”

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