Steps in 2022

You’ll Be Sorry Shoot

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Thanks to Derek for his report on yesterdays video shoot for You’ll Be Sorry: Went to the You’ll Be Sorry video shoot at Park Royal Studios in West London on Friday afternoon, near 100 fans, wardrobe checks, make-up, hair etc done, 1 toilet, 5 step members etc. Lee mingled thru the fans when we finally got to the studio and told a group that on Thursday they filmed a maze sequence with Steps lost in the maze, we were there I think for the scene when they found each other, and performed the song. The set had a clubby feel but in a garden surrounding with hedges etc. The back screen was blue so I guess they will add a backdrop in post production. Our bit was very quick with a run through of half the song and then the whole thing, it took less than half an hour, there were rumours that the directors need not like the fans being there and some said they weren’t recording it, that is why it was so quick. I felt quite sorry for some fans who had come from Newcastle and Birmingham for a very brief appearance, unlike myself who lives 3 miles away. The track itself was as it is on the album except for a sudden end rather than a volume decrease end. I hope the fans have not ended up on the cutting room floor. The guys and gals all looked sexy, but the whole experience was a bit of a let down! If you went to the shoot and want to express your opinion on what happened please e-mail me with your story! Remember you can still download the other A-Side from the forthcoming single, Here & Now as performed on Steps II The Stars on Friday here: Download Here & Now – Steps II The Stars Performance

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