Steps in 2022

Unfair CD Prices, Box Tops & German News

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This is being reported at a variety of sites, this is from Worldpop:
The Office Of Fair Trading is examining whether several major UK record companies, including Sony, Universal and EMI, are stopping retailers importing cheaper CDs from Europe. The OFT believe that the record companies’ actions may be in breach of the Competition Act of 1998.

The investigation will last up to six months although no evidence of a breach of business practice has been discovered as yet. The OFT’s evidence suggests that in order to get cheaper CDs, retailers have been importing their stock from European wholesalers rather than British ones and are keen to find out why and whether UK record companies have blocked them from doing so and encouraged them to use British wholesalers instead.

If the UK record companies are found guilty of breaching the act, they are liable to pay a percentage of their annual turnover as a fine.

Note that Pinnacle Records are one of the companies being looked at. Pinnacle are the UK Distributor for Jive Records.

Thanks to everyone for sending this into me, It’s The Way You Make Me Feel moves back up to number six on Box Tops, continue selecting number 205 on The Box. Talking about The Box, it is believed it will have to be renamed to Smash Hits TV due to legal reasons as MTV US recently brought out The Box in the US.

Thanks to Chris for this news!
Steps will be releasing “It’s The Way You Make Me Feel” in Germany. But the success of the single will depends on if the biggest music channel in Germany, VIVA, takes the video on the playlist. So if you want to help STEPS on their way to world domination then email VIVA on([email protected] ) to ask them to play the video.

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