Steps in 2022

The Sun: Spooky wedding for Lisa

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From the Sun:

Spooky wedding for Lisa
FORMER STEPS singer LISA SCOTT-LEE is planning to marry HEAR’SAY’s JOHNNY SHENTALL next month in a haunted hotel. The pair have apparently shrugged off any reservations about encountering the ghost which roams hallways. The spook has been around for more than 100 years at Great Fosters Hotel in Ascot, Surrey, and seems determined to stay a fixture after it foiled a recent ghost-busting bid. An insider at the hotel – a mansion built in the 16th Century – says: “We tried an exorcism because we didn’t want to take any chances but it does not seem to have done much good. “It is a friendly ghost and never causes any problem to visitors but things just happen that make us know that it is there.” Lisa and Johnny obviously want a stylish bash. Five-star Great Fosters, set in 43 acres, is described by the owners as “the most distinguished country hotel in Britain”.
The couple’s romance has overcome rumours that Johnny had an affair with fitness instructor Vicky Island and they were recently spotted in LA shopping for a wedding dress.

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