Steps in 2022

Steps ride with Honda

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Thanks to Kirsty at Honda UK’s online agency for sending this in!

Two members of British pop supergroup, Steps, have discovered the fun and practicality of getting about town on bikes – and they’ve chosen Honda for their choice of two-wheel transport.
Steps, who have enjoyed eight top ten hits since their first single in 1997, sold more albums in the UK last year than any other band and have sold a staggering four million albums and seven million singles across the world.
Band member, Lee Latchford Evans, has already passed his motorcycle test and now owns a Honda CBR600F. One of the most popular sports machines in the world, the CBR600 boasts a 0-60mph time of about four seconds and a top speed approaching 170mph.
“I don’t use my Honda for outright speed though!” says 25-year-old Lee. “It’s nice to know the power’s there if you want it but the CBR is just a great machine for getting around London and visiting my parents in Chester whenever I get the time.”
His Steps colleague, Faye Tozer, also 25, is planning to take her compulsory Basic Training before moving on to the full motorcycle test as soon as she is able.
“I’m really jealous of Lee,” says Faye, from Northampton, “and I can’t wait to pass my test and get a bigger bike. I love scooters though and I think I’ll get around on one of those in the meantime to get as much experience as I can.”
Lee and Faye are pictured sitting on one of Honda’s latest offerings in the burgeoning scooter market, the @125 (pronounced ‘at 125’). This is a 125cc automatic four-stroke scooter aimed at fashion conscious urban riders to beat in style the growing congestion in Britain’s towns and cities.
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