Official Steps website launches today
Today, the new Steps Official site launched. was supposed to launch with a chat with our favourite group, unfortunately this got postponed, not giving the new site a very good impression, but I’m sure that it will improve.
If you have looked at this site you will note that it is very similar to GenSTEPS in content and looks – and that is for two reasons. One: the person behind the site is our very own Jack! Two: some of the content was actually taken from GenSTEPS! Due to this, GenSTEPS should be getting a mention on the site soon, so watch out for that!
So what does this mean for GenSTEPS? Well, nothing… GenSTEPS continues as normal providing the best from Steps and more! We’ve added a new section, the Steps shop and are planning on adding even more, so please be patient over the next few days as GenSTEPS gets back on its feet and up to full operational speed.
In Steps news, tour dates have been released! Only four at this stage, but they go on sale on Saturday. Steps also appeared on TV last weekend. They performed some magic tricks on a TV show about the hidden talents of the rich and famous! More news when we get it – until then keep visiting GenSTEPS as we aren’t going anywhere!