A new cover for Buzz in Japan

This is pretty amazing, it seems yet another cover for Buzz has surfaced, making it three at this moment. This is from a promotional item from Jive in Japan. Steps are due in Japan at the end of this month where they will be performing some gigs in small clubs. Unlike the Thailand release of Buzz, the Japanese release is set to have four extra tracks on the album,. The actual tracklisting and the bonus tracks are currently unknown. Thanks to Katsu for this information and the picture of course!
I have just got an e-mail from the Box who have told me that they will be adding one of the new Steps videos tomorrow. They never mentioned which one but they said they are due to receive it tomorrow and it should be added tomorrow. Claire recently said that Here & Now had been finished so we hope it is that video.
The official site has been updated with lots of news, much of which we reported on ages ago but they have confirmed what we’ve been saying.
They have now confirmed that the release date for Here & Now / You’ll Be Sorry will be 28 May (a bank holiday, which I never noticed!) and that Steps will be playing G-A-Y on the Saturday before on 26 May, which we reported on last month. You can get more information on this from the G-A-Y website
Lee is also once again involved in this years Soccer Six in aid of Capital FM’s Help A London Child 2001, this is also on 26 May and takes place at London’s Stanford Bridge, which is the home of Chelsea. The official site has more details on this.
In the new issue of TV Hits there is a behind the scenes of the Here & Now video which includes pictures and interviews. Thanks to Sam for that information.
Thanks to Craig who asked Claire about the videos at Like & Kicking last week, and that she said the video for Here & Now should be with us in the next two weeks and that the You’ll Be Sorry video should follow a week or so afterwards. Craig also points out that Claire said they are due on more international promotion next week and will be back here in the UK at the end of May to promote the forthcoming new single!
We reported about a new song Human Touch a while ago, whilst we’ve still not found the song we have found out information about the song thanks to Marc! He has found out that the song is indeed an uptempo number and has a female lead on the track. At this moment in time we know nothing more but Marc is continuing his research and when he finds out more I’ll get it up here!