A few news bits
Firstly thanks to Derek for pointing out that the excellent second Steps album Steptacular is at Woolworths this week for the amazing price of just £5.99. So, if you’re a new Steps fan or want to buy this album for a friend and convert them you know where to go this week!
Thanks to Nicki for these bits. She met up with Claire & H at Live & Kicking over the weekend!
Claire mentioned to Nicki that the post production on the video for Here & Now is due to finish in this coming week and therefore should be on our screens very shortly indeed! Claire also confirmed the arena tour but didn’t say how many dates that they have pencilled in at this moment and that they are due to go into rehearsals very shortly.
Nicki heard that on TOTP on Sunday there will be a behind the scenes of the Here & Now video. Also Steps have recorded another “…Mania” type programme called “70’s Mania”, where they performed Tragedy.