Steps in 2022


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I am out all day tomorrow so the next update won’t be online until Saturday. Remember to watch TOTP on Friday to see STEPS perform their number one single Stomp on the show! Also on Friday STEPS are on Linford’s Records Breakers and Weekend Watchdog of all programmes!
I’ve just seen the advert for the new Smash Hits on The Box, the new edition features STEPS on the front cover and it is available now!

It seems that despite GenSTEPS giving the new album good scores the media is having second thoughts on STEPS’ transition in the pop world, Channel 4 has to say:

Fingers on the buzzers? Watch it, the first signs of creakiness are upon us. Stomp and Summer Of Love come early on, which only highlights the surprising lack if disco action elsewhere.

Busy Bees? Letting each member write a song has mixed results. Lisa’s Never Get Over You is the best track, a whomping, frantic beast while Learn To Love Again is surprising subtle pop considering H wrote it. But Lee’s Turnaround is lumpen, barely adequate funk.

Buzz Off? Faye and Claire’s “Aren’t we the little divas?” ballads demonstrate how – d’oh! – the dread phase “mature” is the keyword on their new sound. Growing up means a few of the faster tracks are directionless, with Buzz and the maddeningly catchy Happy Go Lucky are the only classic STEPS anthems.

Step Machines? If Claire says, they plan to take a day off then a rethink is needed. ‘Cos they won’t get away with such a muddled sound twice. 2 1/2 out of 5.

It seems that the new album is loved by such music established magazines such as NME but the people who have always given support to STEPS such as Channel 4’s text aren’t too sure. I sure think that is review is a little hard on the album as they are way more good songs than bad but it does bring up the point of where is the Pop maestro Max Martin. Faye mentioned they where working with him but his song(s) haven’t appeared on the album – or the UK version at least ….

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