Steps in 2022

Steps win TV award in Hong Kong

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Despite MTV UK saying that they were behind the scenes of the making of the Deeper Shade Of Blue video, and unless they have the programme scheduled for next week, it seems that Planet Pop might beat them to it. According to today’s show they will be airing information and probably the video next Sunday (Channel 4, 10.30am)

Keep it here to find out if MTV plays it first.

Also does that mean that viewers of the Box might get it next Friday?

Some news from Hong Kong! The Cable TV (a TV station in Hong Kong) sent one Hong Kong fan to Thailand to see Steps live. According to the Cable TV, that fan had a “meet and greet” section with Steps. Selected parts of that Thailand Steps concert will be shown on TV in the coming days. The Cable TV has also given a prize to Steps: “The Best Female and Male Group”. Best boys group is BSB, best girls group is SMILE.

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