Steps in 2022

Steps to perform Disney concert in the US

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It has been announced that Steps will be doing a Disney concert during their trip to the US, in the one week break of their UK Steptacular tour. It was one of these Disney concerts that helped break B*witched into America so we are expecting good things to happen after this concert. US fans can now rest safe in the knowledge that they will be seeing a lot more of the fab five in the future.

We’ve given Generation STEPS a revamp, oh you noticed! Well I’m not surprised as it is so much brighter and generally more Steps-y! The design has been worked on for the past month. All but the least observant of you will have noticed that there is a Steps track playing in the background! The system I set up called the ‘Steps Jukebox’ plays a random Steps song every time you open up GenSTEPS. If that isn’t the coolest thing since Steps launched themselves in 1997 I don’t know what is! If you get bored of a song just hit refresh and a different one will play! Songs in the jukebox at the moment are:

5, 6, 7, 8
Last Thing On My Mind
Better Best Forgotten
Love’s Got A Hold On My Heart

Songs to come are One For Sorrow and After The Love Has Gone. Those are the main differences, of course there are a few other changes throughout the site. Some sections had to go because they weren’t popular enough, but this just means the sections that are here are of better quality. I hope you like the new look. GenSTEPS is best viewed in Internet Explorer 4+ with the standard screen resolution of 800 x 600.

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