Steps perform comeback gig at G-A-Y

The Steps reunion was finally kicked off on Saturday as the band bounced back with their first club gig since splitting 10 years ago.
But they looked a bit different to how we remember… the gig kicked off with a drag queen tribute group performing some cheesy moves in the One For Sorrow video outfits from 1998!
Then, just like Good Steps vs Bad Steps in Summer of Love, the real band took the stage in saucy black outfits, shooing the imposters off.
This was what Lee called the “pre-tour warm up show”, starting with Last Thing On My Mind, complete with its original choreography. This was followed by Better Best Forgotten with a few choreography changes in the verses, but the chorus routine we know and love.
Confetti fell from the ceiling as the band launched into Love’s Got A Hold On My Heart, with the biggest screams unarguably saved for Claire’s solos.
This was a crowd that was not only glad that STEPS were back singing but that Claire – who has admitted she found Steps so tough – seemed comfortable, happy and glowing on stage with her beaming smile and powerful vocals.
This was a Steps concert in the truest sense. The headset mics, the memorable routines, the shared glances between the band members.
Claire’s nose-wrinkle? Check.
“Ooh ooh”? Check.
“Come on, clap your hands”? Check, thanks Lisa!
And in true Steps styles, the band members took it in turns to chat to the crowd. After three songs, H took centre stage and thanked the audience for their support, saying it was the first time he could really be himself.
“I’ve come home tonight” he grinned, with a nod to the adoring fans in the G-A-Y audience, “It’s the first time I can be who I am, with you guys.”
Lisa too thanked the audience in a speech reminiscent of the Gold Tour: “Thanks for making our Ultimate Collection album number ONE!” she cried, to rapturous cheers from the audience.
“There’s still tickets left for the tour”, she cheekily added.
Headset mics removed, the band stepped behind their mic stands for a performance of It’s The Way You Make Me Feel, with the routine we originally saw on This Morning.
The video originally saw a romance blossom between Lisa and H – this time, it was Lee and H who jokingly leaned in for a fake snog behind their fans at the end of the song.
All the songs were performed live, with outstanding vocals; it’s clear the band has been rehearsing heavily. Claire’s big notes at the end of It’s The Way You Make Me Feel were the best we’ve ever heard live.
The next song was Deeper Shade Of Blue, with its revised routine as seen on This Morning and then the band disappeared, as is tradition now, before returning for their encore – Tragedy.
At the end of the concert, Claire’s eyes filled with tears. “Thank you” she mouthed at the audience as the band left the stage, arms laden with flowers presented to them by club host Jeremy Joseph.
Speaking to GenSTEPS after the performance, Faye said they’d chosen “a range of songs” from their back catalogue to perform.
H added “and they’re the ones we’ve rehearsed the most!”
Does this mean we’ll see the old routines on the tour?
“You’ll have to wait and see” he grinned.