Steps in 2022

Lisa announces she is going solo

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Lisa just posted on the Steps Official message board:

Hi guys, Lisa here!
You may think I haven’t been on our official site for a while, but I have been frequently been logging on & reading all your messages on the board since our sad statement. Today, once again, I sat here reading but this time I had to reply.
As many of you, I have just watched CDUK and heard H & Claire’s announcement. As H said, I do wish them luck, even though the split is still raw & still hurts. However, the reason I’m writing to you all is because I think it’s only fair that you know about Faye, Lee & myself. We have remained great friends & are trying to come to terms with the split but also look towards the future. Now I can’t speak for Faye & Lee, but I know that they would want me to tell you that they are both making exciting plans & will tell you all when they can. (no, they’re not going to become a duo too!;)
I also think it’s about time that you heard from me. As you read in my letter to you, our fans, I was shocked & saddened by the split but like you I have to be strong, remember the good times & look forward.
So, as you know, I have been busy managing my brothers 3SL & it’s going really well! There is a big buzz about them & I hope they will be very successful. I have also been busy having exciting meetings about my future & I think you should be the first to know that I have decided to go SOLO! I know a lot of you are still very upset about Steps & I don’t want to upset you further but you have a right to know. I want to carry on making music & put a smile back on your faces!
Thanx for listening & thanx for your endless support. You might not know it but you have really helped me to get through this tough time. I love you all & I miss you loads.
Speak to you soon!
Lisa xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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