Daily Star: H’s baby agony

The Daily Star reports that H and boyfriend Craig Ryder have tragically lost their baby.
They chose an unidentified woman from America to carry their baby last year but the singer found out she had miscarried while he was touring with the Steps Ultimate Tour.
He told The People newspaper: “One week were were showing off our new nappy (diaper) bags, the next week it was over.”
“I can still remember listening to the baby’s heartbeat in a recording from the 12 week scan and thinking ‘That’s our little one.’ We had a due date – 8 October.”
“We were thinking of names, and we even planned our first Christmas as a family. We were both ready to be dads.”
“Finding out our surrogate had miscarried was like being hit in the face. It was the worst thing that has ever happened to me. I just feel empty and helpless.”
He added: “I appreciate a lot more what we have together, and what having this child means. When we do finally get there we’ll know how lucky we are.”