Steps in 2022

Get with the programme!

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We’ve added a new merchandise section to GenSTEPS and we’re pleased to announce you can now see photographs of all old Steps tour programmes – inside and out! – in our merchandise gallery. We’ll add What The Future Holds later – but while the merch is still current and on sale we can’t share pictures.

One For Sorrow video remastered in true HD

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One For Sorrow in HD

The music video for One For Sorrow has been remastered in true high definition. The music video rushes were rescanned from the original 16mm film to create a genuine high definition copy of the iconic video, which has been uploaded to YouTube for the first time on the band’s official channel. ✨ The music video […]

We’re back!

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It’s STEPTEMBER and Generation STEPS has just undergone a bit of a transformation! First up there’s the new look homepage which means you’ve now got clearer access to the latest Steps news and a diary of key events. You’ll also notice a refreshed look across all our pages and there’s a brand new gallery system […]

We’re back!

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Generation STEPS has just undergone a bit of a transformation! First up, there’s the new look homepage allowing us to keep you up to date in a clearer and brighter way. You’ll also notice a refreshed look across all our pages and there’s a brand new gallery system in place too. And because it’s STEPTEMBER, […]

Virus warning!

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Warning to everyone a new virus is about. It’s code name is W32.Badtrans.B@n. If you have a virus checker make sure your virus definations are up to date. If you are worried find out more here:[email protected] There was an e-mail from Worldpop about 3SL if you didn’t get it the email linked to this […]

MTV European Music Awards tonight

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Just a note, MTV Europe is having its annual bash tonight. The MTV Europe Music Awards are live tonight across MTV Europe from Germany. Steps aren’t up for anything again but sometimes its worth a watch. UK Viewers without MTV can catch the show on Channel 4 this weekend. Ananova ran a poll over who […]

Lisa gets braces and Steps sign Kinder sponsorship deal

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GenSTEPS is now one year old! We launched on 1 August 1999 with both our fans and our haters, and so it seems nothing has changed since then :o) The site came about when my old site Stepping Out and Jack’s old site Planet STEPS decided to merge to create a big Steps site aimed […]

Lisa gets braces, H comments on Scooch

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Steps and Five will launch their UK tours from a Butlins holiday camp this winter. Steps take to the stage on November 17th at Butlins in Minehead, Somerset and will be followed by Five on November 25th. The shows will take place in a specially constructed Big Top Arena that will hold 6,000 fans. Tickets […]