Steps support Pledge for Parkinsons campaign
Steps will be supporting the Pledge for Parkinsons campaign. Here is the recent press release:
Join Steps & Pledge for Parkinson’s
Pop group Steps are Pledging for Parkinson’s on 11 April 2000 to raise funds to help those with Parkinson’s disease. The event, held on World Parkinson’s Disease Day, during the UK’s Parkinson’s Awareness Week, encourages everybody to Pledge to do something or give something up for the day. Band member Claire is offering to struggle not to eat any chocolate for the day. STEPS are joining film actress Elizabeth Hurley and Coronation Street’s Julie Hesmondhalgh and David Neilson (Hayley and Roy Cropper), and other celebrities, in helping those with Parkinson’s. Elizabeth hopes that she will keep the TV off all day. Julie will abandon her car for all of Awareness Week and give the money she saves to the Parkinson’s Disease Society (PDS). Parkinson’s affects everybody differently and the condition has no cure. The PDS is hoping that as many people as possible will join in Pledge for Parkinson’s to help raise awareness of the condition. Groups and individuals are organising bungee jumps and sponsored walks, Dress Down Days, or giving up their pint, cigarettes or their favourite food. For a Pledge for Parkinson’s information & sponsorship pack contact 020 7630 0261 or e-mail are more than 120,000 people in the UK who have Parkinson’s, a chronic, debilitating, and currently incurable condition, and around one million who live with Parkinson’s as partners, family members and friends. The PDS is a national charity with 26,000 members and 250 branches nation-wide.
Parkinson’s Awareness Week runs from 8-16 April 2000.
For all media information please contact Gregg Vines, Simon Hope or Alison Iliff at the PDS National Press Office on 020 7630 9022, fax 020 7630 8745 or e-mail Out of hours 0961 460 248.