Steps in 2022

Steps are going to be everywhere!

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Just to confirm that the next single has been changed to Say You’ll Be Mine / Better The Devil You Know. This is going to be the Christmas single so expect a release of around 20 December. Steps will be performing at this year’s Royal Variety Performance on 4 December. Something to be very excited about I think you will agree. Thanks to Ian.

Watch out for TV adverts next week for the album Steptacular. Clearly Steps aren’t content with being on every TV show available in the listings so they are going to fill up your ad breaks too! Pretty cool for all of you that just can’t go two minutes without seeing them.

And some excellent news for those of you without Sky Digital. A few weeks after the Sky Box Office show airs, the entire performance will be sold on video as we previously speculated. The exact release date of the video is 29 November.

Don’t miss Steps on TOTP this Friday at 7.30pm on BBC One, and on the Pepsi Chart on Thursday at 7.00pm on Channel 5.

Steps were mentioned five times on today’s This Morning. Once in a quiz question “Who are Faye, Lee, Lisa, H and Claire?”, and the twins on the show were arguing over Steps CD’s plus a few other times too. Pointless but we thought you’d like to know!

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