Step One out now in the US
Step One is now out in the US. Don’t have your copy yet? Then why not? Go and buy one now!
Thanks to Elhav for sending in this information: In a HMV store in New York the new STEPS album is prominently displayed, hopefully that will boost sales. Elhav sent in information about the Steps album launch party:
“I attended the Steps ‘release party’ at the Roxy this past Saturday. Tragedy promo singles were given away, but that was about it – no airplay, no mention, no surprise appearances. Still, these promos are desirable at least in so far as the cover art and track listing (originally the Radio and Album Edits) will be different for the actual release. But I’m afraid these release parties will do little to heighten their popularity over here.”
Radio 1’s “Best of ’99” vote has been announced. The results are:
1. Stereophonics – 2848 votes
2. Travis – 2845 votes
3. Steps – 2375 votes
Not too bad for Steps then eh? Thanks to everyone who voted!
According to Box Fresh on the Box music channel, Deeper Shade Of Blue will be released on 3 April 2000.
Here are the full details of the Disney concert, which is aired next week in the US! The pop groups Steps and Youngstown will be performing a concert live on the Disney channel (31 if you live in the United States). It will be airing on Friday 19 February 2000 at 7:30pm ET / PT and 6:30pm CT. The concert will be called Youngstown & Steps in Concert.
Also Steps are in US magazines V. Entertaining, Teen Beat and Tiger Beat, and other “teeny bopper” mags have Step One advertisements. Some also have behind the scenes of the Disney concert and pinups.