Steps in 2022

News Snippets – 8th August 2001

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Just a note here to Jive Records more than anyone really. Due to production difficulties of filming the videos for his first two singles, Sony Records have delayed the forthcoming new Michael Jackson singles and albums, although no new dates have been announced it is predicted that the single may will be released in Mid-September now instead of early September and the album might be out mid-October – both again are now close again to the new Steps releases – be Interesting to see if Jive notice this and do actually do anything with the release dates for Steps.
As I keep saying, GenSTEPS 4 will be here this weekend. At this moment in time everything is falling into place fairly well but I will be closing the site this weekend in order to test everything is working. I currently plan to close the site Friday evening and reopen Sunday evening, but that might change so keep checking back.

Also please vote for us at the Dotmusic Awards 2001 – we are a Dotmusic Site of the week already – so doing well in this would also be nice :o)

Also despite being told that Mars & Venus was due for US radio this week – we are now not too sure if it did actually go to radio, anyway still keep requesting as even if it makes them listen to who Steps are would be a start!

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